Archive for the ‘General’ Category


South Florida’s Top Car Washes

South Florida’s Top Car Washes

Because a clean car is a safe car

Do you even remember what color your car actually is? If it’s been a while, a car wash will make your vehicle feel totally new. The problem is that cleaning your car can be a pain—especially in this heat. So why not find a car wash you can trust? Here are just a few of our favorites:

1. Weston Exxon Car Wash

Located just off the highway in Weston, FL, this car wash has it all. They offer a variety of different options from a quick wash to full detailing, as well as multiple smells to choose from. It’s located in a gas station with surprisingly great food (weird, we know…but trust us) and they always do a really great job with your car.

Want to grab some grub that doesn’t come from a gas station? Let them wash your car while you head next door to Carolina Ale House. It’s great for watching sports games and eating bar food while you wait for your car, which will be waiting outside for you in the parking lot when you’re ready to leave. Another plus? They’ll rewash your car for free if it rains within 24 hours—just make sure you keep your receipt.

2. Lux Car Wash

This West Palm Beach car wash has had nothing but great reviews so far and they have great loyalty deals. Just nine full service washes will get you the tenth free. They also have great deals on their luxury detail car washes and they’ve even been certified as the best car wash in town. At Lux Car Wash, size doesn’t matter! You can get your giant truck washed or your tiny sports car sparkling. They can really tackle any job!

3. Cactus Car Wash

This Ft. Lauderdale car wash is located on N Federal Hwy and Oakland Park Blvd and has been voted the “Best Car Wash in Fort Lauderdale” by forum readers for years. They opened in 2011 but have since become one of the most popular car washing places in Ft. Lauderdale. They offer a full service car wash and detail center, as well as a coffee bar and complimentary iPad stations for you to entertain yourself while you wait.

4. At home

There are many different services that offer at-home washing and you should definitely consider calling one if you don’t have the time to go anywhere, or if you’re just too lazy (we totally get it!). Having a car wash at home is great. You don’t need to find something to entertain yourself while you wait (you’re home so you can really do whatever) and you don’t need to go anywhere! They come to your house, clean your car, and that’s it! What could be better?

Want someone to take your car to the cleaners for you? Ask RedCap!

What a DUI Really Costs You

What a DUI Really Costs You on

There are hidden, long-term costs involved with drinking and driving. And you definitely can’t afford them.

There’s an actual dollar figure you can put on what it costs to be convicted for driving under the influence (DUI). We’ll give you those numbers in just a bit. But it’s not just money you’ll pay. The price is much higher.

There are long-term and short-term consequences. In the short term, it’s mostly about how much you’ll have to shell out quickly after the event. But the paying part isn’t over. In fact, it’s just getting started.

The cost breakdown

You’ve probably seen these scary numbers before, but they’re worth looking at again. It’s expensive to get a DUI. The numbers vary. puts the total average cost at almost $9,000. And that’s an average. Here’s an interactive map that’ll give you the bad news for all the states in the U.S.

Be prepared to part with that cash soon after the DUI. Then take a deep breath. You’ve got a few more debts to pay.

And you can’t write a check for them.

A lingering nightmare

The financial hit of fines and lawyer’s fees will wear off. You’ll get past the license suspension, the DUI education classes, the community service time, and perhaps also the jail time. You’ll take care of the financial and legal obligations of a DUI. You’re still not done.

”May I see your driver’s license?”

Get ready to live without being able to drive. A DUI conviction can result in a revocation of your driver’s license. It varies by state, but it can be a period of up to 2 years.

Many jobs require you to have a valid driver’s license, which means you can lose your job or not be able to get one at all. Jobs that require their employees to drive a company vehicle will likely be permanently unavailable for you.

Application denied

Many employers now run criminal background checks on potential hires. DUI convictions can be misdemeanors or felonies. Neither is conducive to future employment.

Nor do they make it easy if you’re planning to rent an apartment. Landlords and apartment complexes often run background checks on potential tenants.

Are you college-age? Beware. College admissions and financial aid applications can require a background check. A criminal record can put a stop to your plans for a secondary education. If you are on a scholarship program, a DUI conviction can get it revoked.

We’re just not that into you

It’s not just your employer who may be uncomfortable, or even unwilling, to maintain a relationship with you after a DUI conviction. Your coworkers are going to look at you in a different light. It can change the dynamics of your work environment, and it might not be for the best.

Personal relationships can suffer, too. In this case, it might not be because of those caring people around you. A DUI arrest and conviction is a psychological and emotional roller coaster. You’ll go through bouts of shame and embarrassment.

Family and friends aware of what’s happened will be concerned. It’s easy to resent their attempts to help. It’ll come across as wanting to peer into your personal life. Prepare for a potential rocky road with friends and lovers.

Breathalyzed before you drive

Fast forward to getting your license back. Congratulations! Now, get ready for another big-ticket expense (besides the considerably higher insurance rates). Many states now force people convicted of DUI offenses to install interlock devices in their cars.

Each and every time you drive somewhere, you’ll have to blow into the device to have your alcohol level tested before you can even start the engine. MADD estimates the devices cost up to $150 to install. It costs up to $80 a month for calibration and monitoring.

One last grim cost

Let’s not mince words. Driving drunk is stupid. The financial penalties and long-term consequences should be enough to stop you. There’s also an ultimate price.

Every day, 28 people die in vehicle accidents that involve an alcohol-impaired driver.

The way less expensive alternative

Well, then. Gloom-o-Rama. You now have a mostly complete financial loss picture of what a DUI can cost you.

The professional drivers at RedCap would prefer that you use your smartphone to download the RedCap app. You’ll spend the next 30 seconds arranging for a certified chauffeur to drive you wherever you want to go—in your own car. And you can do that about 13 to 20 times before you would even get close to the initial costs of a DUI conviction.

Which you will pay for the rest of your life.

First Date Jitters, a Family Conundrum, and the Transportation Solution

First Date Jitters, a Family Conundrum, and the Transportation Solution on

RedCap to the rescue!

At RedCap, we’re all about novel solutions to age-old problems, whether they’re related to driving or basic family harmony. Don’t believe us? Check out this text exchange between a busy mom and her 15 year-old son:







RedCap can make the Big Night worry and distraction-free, alleviate teenage embarrassment of the ‘rents, and get your son or daughter from point A to point B safely. Our professional drivers are fully insured and thoroughly screened – and mindful of curfew. Join now to get started!

Lateral Thinking and Driving

Lateral Thinking and Driving

What fear of losing our smartphones can teach us about creating new options.

It’s the right group of friends and the perfect restaurant. You’ve picked out an after-dinner nightclub to push it over the top. You have every intention of exploring where the evening takes you. And you have absolutely no intention of driving. The problem with that last part is it leaves you with the usual options. Taxi? Designated driver? The choices always seem to be the same.

They are, but only if you believe that the only choices you have are the choices you know. Then it’s time for a bit of lateral thinking. It’s what helped us create RedCap. Sometimes, a new option is right there in front of you. It’s just used a different way. Here’s an example of how using things in ways for which they aren’t intended can create new options and opportunities.

Say hello to the “drunk phone”

Several years ago, a major beer brand asked a consumer research company to help them understand why some people prefer to drink beer when they go out, as opposed to other types of alcoholic beverages. We’ll assume the company wanted to hear more reasons than simply, “beer tastes good.”

During the course of the study, the researchers uncovered something interesting. They discovered that a growing number of younger people are concerned about losing their expensive smartphones when they’re out drinking with friends.

This group came up with an ingenious solution. The exp    Jensive smartphone stays home and in its place, they bring along their “drunk phone.” You can go to the nearest big-box electronics store and buy a no-contract touchscreen smartphone for about $30.

  • Load and install all your favorite social apps on it.
  • Copy over any contacts you might need.
  • Activate call forwarding on your smartphone just before you head out for the evening.

Bingo. A practical and inexpensive solution to a problem that could otherwise put a big hole in your pocket.

Apple’s next model?

Learning about “drunk phones” may not have helped that beer company gain any insight into beer-drinking preferences. And we haven’t been able to find any “drunk phone” ads. The strategy is probably a bit too controversial for smartphone market leaders.

Let’s not lose sight of the lesson, though. A member of the consumer research team summed it up best. “What I love about this is we were studying beer and we stumbled upon an illuminating mobile insight that we wouldn’t have seen before. They might not have told us that if we just sat down to talk to them about phones.”

If it works for your smartphone…

Young people enjoying a night on the town have a lot to teach us, although it’s definitely not about drinking. What we can learn from them is that there are always more options than the obvious ones. It’s up to us to find them. We uncover them when we remove the limitations of our own thinking.

Just because you own a car, it doesn’t mean you have to drive it. A bit of lateral thinking applied here allows you to realize that all you really need is someone else to drive it. A completely new option presents itself allowing you to enjoy the evening out with your friends. A RedCap professional driver costs about $35 an hour. Add this to the tab for your entire evening out. It’ll still be far less than the $9,000 price tag of a DUI conviction.

Just be sure to download the RedCap app on both your smartphone — and your “drunk phone.”

Welcome to lateral thinking! We’d love to hear how you’ve used it to come up with a new spin on the same old options. And we’ll let you know if anybody starts making “drunk phones.”

Impactful Business Innovations Start with One Small Change

Impactful Business Innovations Start with One Small Change on

What Steve Jobs and Elon Musk didn’t do, and how you can use this to your advantage.

Discovery and invention are ways to make your mark on the world. But this path has its downsides. It takes extreme effort, and it’ll likely mess up the whole work-life balance thing we’re all supposed to strive for. There’s an easier way. If you want to capture someone’s attention, innovate.

Here’s something the uber-successful entrepreneurial crowd won’t tell you. There’s a specific trait they look for in others: an avoidance of complexity, and the conservation of energy. Working efficiently is prized above simply working hard. Here’s how you can use this idea to impress clients while making your mark on the world.

Superheroes demystified

We love Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. Talk about influential. But there’s nothing superhuman about their accomplishments. Steve Jobs didn’t invent the Mac or the mouse. He didn’t invent the iPod or the iPhone. Elon Musk didn’t found Tesla Motors. (He joined the company a year later as its chairman when he was pitched as an investor.)

Jobs and Musk knew where to focus their energy. The looked for one small change that could result in an exponential improvement in their product. Computers and cars didn’t need to be invented. They already existed. They just needed to be made better. They needed an injection of innovation.

Practical applications

You don’t have to create a startup to apply this philosophy. It’s just as valuable when used as part of your everyday approach to productivity. We do that at RedCap. Here’s how it works for us.

Turn your creativity into output

Productivity impresses people more than creativity. Innovators find ways to let their actions speak for ideas. But never in a horn-trumpeting, “look at what I’ve accomplished” way. We haven’t revolutionized transportation at RedCap — we’ve improved it. Now you can rent a professional driver to drive your car at a lower cost than limousine or taxi services.

So let’s say you’ve been tasked to meet an important client at the airport. The logistics are crazy. You’ve got to get them to the hotel to check in and drop off their bags. Then, it’s a trip across town for a big meeting. During that time, you’ve got to squeeze in at least an hour of face time to make sure the client gets the latest intel. What small change could you make that would create an exponential improvement?

1. Use the RedCap app to schedule a professional driver. It’s your car, so you’ve still fulfilled the responsibility of meeting the client. Now, both of you can spend all that time on the road engaged with what’s most important. The driving won’t distract you, and you can knock that update briefing out of the ballpark.

2. If the client should bother to ask (and they probably will), casually add that your decision to let RedCap take care of the driving has multiple benefits:

  • It makes better use of your time.
  • It’s innovative, and that’s what you’re all about.
  • RedCap’s hourly rate is around $35 an hour. A limousine service or even a taxi would have cost more.

Extract the risk

The way to make an impression is to prove you’re an innovator, but not a risk-taker. Will Rogers once said, “Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is.” What the oft-quoted writer might have added is that wise fruit-pickers test the weight of the limb, first.

It gets back to the idea of pushback. You can try to reinvent the wheel, or you can just find one small change. The latter offers a path with fewer obstacles. We applied that to the idea of driving. Who wants to reinvent the entire industry of personal transportation? Elon Musk realized it was only necessary to look for a different means to power his vehicles.

We found one small change. With RedCap, you now have a different approach to using your own car, and in many cases, it’s more efficient. What’s the risk? There is none. Learn more about how you can hire your own private driver by reading our FAQ page.

One more thing about Jobs and Musk

These two innovators share an additional trait. This one might be difficult to emulate until you reach their level of clout. Jobs never veered from it during his leadership of Apple. Musk applies it with each new turn he takes with Tesla today.

They view success and failure as binary actions. Either is acceptable, there is no level or degree. Unequivocal success or failure at their level isn’t for the faint at heart. Don’t let that deter you. Steve Jobs and Elon Musk proved that you don’t have to invent something to completely change entire industries. A small change will do.

Redcap’s Tips on Avoiding Road Rage

Redcap’s Tips on Avoiding Road Rage on

Drivers today can be out-rage-eous.

Taking to the roads can feel like a warzone at times. Between people cutting you off, not using their blinkers and, let’s face it, flipping you the bird, it can be nearly impossible to refrain from retaliation on the roads. But the truth is, road rage is actually a lot more dangerous than you might think.

According to Today, over 1500 people have been killed in crashes due to road rage and aggressive driving since 2008. It sounds hard to believe that a simple angry expression or a “little” recklessness can be so dangerous but it is. Here are some ways you can avoid road rage when you take to the streets.

Don’t drive during rush hour if possible

Rush hour is prime time for blood-boiling interactions on the roads. That’s because people are angry that they’re in traffic, they’re late for their meetings, and they’re unhappy to be heading into the office again. Heck, we don’t blame them to an extent. Rush hour is stressful.

So if you can avoid being on the road during rush hour, you might want to. Leave a little early or wait until it clears up to head to your destination. You’ll find you’re less bogged down by ticked drivers.

Of course, this isn’t a realistic expectation for all drivers. Most people need to be on the road during rush hour. (Where did you think the rush came from? We all have a 9am clock-in.) So, if you can’t avoid it altogether, try one of the following options.

Remain calm when you’re cut off or otherwise wronged

Here’s the thing: drivers today are pretty busy. They’re eating in the car, doing their makeup, and texting. Why not break another law and cut you off? But the problem is, they’re probably not rule breakers by heart. They’re just simply distracted. We live in an attention deficient society, and no one can ever focus on the task at hand, even if that task is as simple as driving from one place to another. We’re more distracted than ever before. We’re not saying that’s an excuse, but that’s how it is sometimes.

More likely than not, drivers don’t even realize if they’re veering into your lane or cutting you off. Responding with angry gestures and excessive honking might just make them angry at you since they’re unaware of the danger they put you in. Give them the benefit of the doubt and remain calm when other drivers wrong you on the road — once you make sure you’re out of harm’s way, that is.

Take a deep breath and try to stay calm if the situation escalates

Staying calm doesn’t always stop other drivers from getting riled up and honestly, it might not even be realistic. In the moment, you might find yourself getting angrier than ever before! The best thing you can do is take a deep breath and count to ten. Remember you probably won’t see that person ever again, so there’s no sense in ruining your whole day over it.

Contact the police if you’re in danger or being followed

There have been situations when drivers are followed by others on the road and that’s not a situation you want to be in. Now is not the time to take matters into your own hands. Once you or those around you are already angry, the last thing you want to do is rile them up more or put yourself into a more dangerous situation. Stay calm, keep your distance and, if you’re being followed, call the police! They’ll do everything in their power to get you out of the situation.

Stop driving altogether

Driving is a pretty common skill. Sometimes it seems like they’ll let anyone on the roads these days. And is it just us, or does 16 sound younger and younger each year? (Maybe that’s just because it gets farther each year, but those kids are still pretty young to be handling such large machinery).

Either way, kicking the old habit, driving, might be the best solution for avoiding road rage. Instead, rely on the drivers from Red Cap. We get you from point A to point B in one piece, and we actually like driving. Relax in the back seat and leave the rest up to the pros. Join now to get started!

Reducing Stress While Commuting With Redcap

Reducing Stress While Commuting With Redcap on

Because, let’s face it, you’ve had enough of those hot-headed drivers around you.

Your commute is long enough. Between that and the intensity of the traffic jams where you live, getting to work can be pretty unsettling. You can thank tight morning schedules, morning meetings, and unexpected traffic for that. That can be a pretty tense way to start your day. That’s why we’ve compiled four ways to reduce your stress while commuting to work!

Wake up early

A huge problem that a lot of people have with their commutes is there’s just not enough time in the morning. But the real problem here is that they’re just not getting out of bed early enough. We know, it’s hard to roll out of bed for another day of work, but once you do it, you won’t regret it.

Set your alarm just 15-20 minutes earlier and you’ll find your morning is much more relaxed, set at an easier pace. Then, you’ll also be able to leave earlier reducing the pressure you’ll face to get to work on time during rush hour.

Use a traffic app

A traffic app will be your best friend when you’re trying to get to work in the morning. Many of the navigation apps you already use have a traffic function, which will show how heavy or light traffic is in certain areas. Only certain apps, however, will reroute you to the fastest path to your destination.

The most effective app we’ve tried is Waze. When you enter your destination, it constantly updates your route throughout your commute to ensure you’re taking the fastest way. It also adjusts your route according to building traffic and alerts you about accidents or other hazards such as rain, animals on the road, and stopped vehicles. How can you resist using an app like that? It’s a huge timesaver cutting minutes off your drive.


Carpools have been going on for years. You might set up one in your office with that guy you met at the water cooler; you might find one through the city’s carpool program. Maybe you’ll finally take your nosy neighbor up on that offer to carpool. Either way, you’re going to be saving a lot on gas and anger.

Use the 21st century solution and catch a ride

How about hiring a personal driver from RedCap to take over your commute? We’re professional, we don’t hate the traffic, and we love driving. Give us a call to take over the stress of your commute.

Party Like a Leprechaun on St. Patty’s Day (and Still Be Responsible)

Party Like a Leprechaun on St. Patty’s Day (and Still Be Responsible) on

St. Patty’s Day tips worth more than a pot o’ gold.

After another busy Thursday of working hard at the office, you’re going to want an escape from the daily trudges of weekday life and with St. Patty’s Day here, there’s no better way to rage with your friends.

But one of the biggest blows of St. Patty’s Day is attempting to pin the friend that’ll be everyone else’s designated driver for the night. Even worse is when you get chosen to drive everyone. Don’t get us wrong. Having a sober driver can be a life or death decision that you don’t want to screw up. But what if we told you there’s an affordable way to enjoy St. Patty’s Day without sacrificing fun with friends or your safety? (We know. You probably wouldn’t bet a round of shots on it.) But it’s true!

Here are some ways you can party like a leprechaun on St. Patty’s Day this year… and some tips on being responsible, too:

Cook your favorites at home

Inviting a few friends over can be a surefire way to have fun this holiday on your terms. Rather than going out to your favorite bar or a popular Irish pub, try cooking your meals at home this year. Pick out a few recipes online. Check out Pinterest for the savory and indulgent corned beef and cabbage you’ve been craving or another authentic Irish favorite. When you’re celebrating safely at home, the choice is yours. Make your holiday as festive or as authentic as you’d like.

Don’t forget the liquid courage

No St. Patty’s Day celebration is complete without a few brews. Grab the ingredients for your favorite drinks at the liquor store (Bailey’s is a must!) so you can make your own festive beverages. Pick up lots of liquor and beer if you’re going this route because you know your friends get rowdy from time to time. Don’t forget the green food dye while you’re at it. Your friends will love the added touch of a green beer to celebrate the holiday, no bar needed.

Who are you kidding? Nice try, but it’s time to get to the bar

As much as staying home is a great option, you still might want to go out this year. Heading out is one of the most exciting ways to celebrate St. Patty’s, whether you’re going to a pub crawl, a happy hour special, or your favorite bar.

But what do you do when none of your friends will commit to being the DD? Man up (or woman up) and call a personal driver from Red Cap. We love driving and we’ll be sure to get you and your friends safely to and from your destination. As an added bonus, we’ll even take you in your own car. That way, you’re bound to be as comfortable as possible. Join now to be chauffeured to your favorite bars this St. Patty’s Day. You and your friends will be partying it up like a leprechaun in no time (without sacrificing responsibility and safety).

What It’s Like to Drive The Donald

What It’s Like to Drive The Donald on

A view from the front seat

Donald Trump is wealthy. Many (too many) think he should bring his unique way of doing business to the nation’s capital as next CEO (POTUS). What’s The Donald really like? All we may get from new and old media are sound bites and video clips. And, an occasional Twitterstorm from The Donald, himself.

They say you can find out a lot about a person from the car they drive. Donald Trump doesn’t drive, but he has a driver who’s done that for him since 2000. His name is Eddie Diaz. Here’s Eddie’s take on what drives The Donald, based on driving The Donald.

Made in America

Diaz has told reporters he thinks Donald Trump is a down-to-earth kind of guy, who shows his patriotism by prohibiting his limos from being foreign-made. “Not allowed,” said Diaz.

From the front seat perspective of Eddie Diaz, we see The Donald as a believer and promoter of American automotive superiority. That makes for good PR if you’re campaigning for the top spot in government.

The Donald’s own campaign staff paints a different picture. Parked in the garages of his various properties is a decidedly international fleet of vehicles. While it’s true that none of them are limos, The Donald is known to own (and occasionally drive himself):

  • A vintage 1956 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud
  • A 2015 Rolls-Royce Phantom
  • A Maybach
  • A Ferrari
  • A Mercedes-Benz S600
  • An SLR McLaren (a gift to his wife, Melania)

American vehicles don’t get a complete shutout. The Donald also owns a Tesla and a Cadillac Escalade.

“It’s interesting.”

That’s how Eddie Diaz sums up his time spent driving The Donald. He told a national magazine that he occasionally eats with the billionaire, who Diaz says “sometimes” picks up the tab.

The pace has quickened for Trump as his presidential campaign got underway. Diaz says it’s created some of his best experiences driving The Donald. The energy and experience level also rose during times when The Apprentice was running. “It’s fun, you know,” Diaz said. “Busy, just busy. Cameras, pictures, autographs—you name it.”

Those days are over for The Donald. He still co-owns the TV show franchise with producer Mark Burnett, but he’s relinquished the role as the host of the hit show. Trump tells reporters he gave up the show to run for president. Insiders in the media biz say NBC was about to use The Donald’s own famous phrase to tell him “You’re Fired!” The C-suite buzz is that the network was not okay with The Donald’s public comments about Hispanic immigrants.

From the front seat perspective of Eddie Diaz, controversy isn’t such a bad thing. “Every time some controversy happens, he shoots up in the polls,” Diaz observed.

Golf and phone calls

Diaz adds that he has a friendly working relationship with The Donald. Most of the time, the presidential candidate and business titan is working on the art of the deal in the back of the car. He’s on the phone. There is the occasion to chat, and Diaz says The Donald likes to talk about sports, current events, and what’s going on in Trump’s world.

The Donald is also wild about golf. He owns at last count 16 golf courses from Scotland to North Carolina, which he values at over half a billion dollars. Business experts who’ve studied the revenue figures say that’s a stretch. It’s likely only worth a quarter of a billion.

While Diaz didn’t weigh in about golf, The Donald has been vocal about his love and support for the game of kings. The average limo driver couldn’t afford to play on any of Trump’s courses, but The Donald believes it’s, “something people should aspire to play eventually.”

Hurry up and wait

The life of a limousine driver is one of patience. You’ll sometimes drive a short distance only to endure a lengthy wait. That was on tap for Diaz one summer day last August as Trump appeared at the State Supreme Court building in lower Manhattan for jury duty.

Diaz spent the hours dusting the limo windows and fielding a few questions from the media. “He’s a down-to-earth guy,” Diaz told an online business website when asked about The Donald. “Of course, he’s a billionaire and a big-shot type of guy,” Diaz continued, “but he’s down to earth. He’s steak and potatoes, just like the rest of us.”

“Well see what happens.”

That’s the prognostication from the front seat about The Donald’s chances of exchanging the title of CEO for POTUS.

Would he relocate from New York City to the nation’s capital if The Donald snags the White House? “I hope he takes me when he goes,” Diaz says. He’s got high confidence in Trump’s ascension to America’s top political position. “When he wins,” Diaz clarifies. “Not if he wins. When he wins.”

RedCap: Way Better than Ride Sharing

RedCap Way Better than Ride Sharing

There’s a reason for that!

Most of us have been in a situation where we either shouldn’t drive or just didn’t want to. Whether it’s because you had, or want to have, one too many drinks or just because you want to enjoy your night and not worry about the stresses that driving can cause, it’s a great feeling to have someone pick you up and take you safely home after a long day or night. The only problem is in deciding who you want to come and get you.

Here are 5 reasons why taking a RedCap is better than using ride shares.

You can set limits

When you use RedCap, you’re able to choose a pick up time and that means you get to set a time to go home… more realistically, an excuse to go home.

We’ve all been with that one friend who wants to stay out for “one more drink” or “one more song”, and when you use RedCap instead of ride shares you have a really good excuse for skipping out on that “one last thing.”

There is nothing foreign

When you’re in your own car, you’re not going to find anything you’re unsure of. That weird stain in the backseat? You already know that’s from the time your best friend thought it was a good idea to eat cereal while you were on the highway. That weird smell? Well, you’re not sure what that is, but you know that it’s from you and not from some weirdo on the street. The point is that you’re going to be a lot more comfortable in your car than a stranger’s car.

You can do (almost) whatever you want

Want to play your own music? Go for it! Play those guilty pleasure songs. Want to sit in the front? All the power to you. Want to lay down in the back seat and close your eyes for a minute? Not a problem. You won’t have a driver asking you to please talk a bit lower or stop moving around so much. Your car. Your rules.

You have your own car

Have you ever woken up hungover after a long night out and realized your car was still parked wherever you had one too many drinks? It’s never fun to have to drag yourself out of bed to go find some sunglasses and pick up your car, but with RedCap, your car is in the same place you are. You don’t need to call a car or have a friend or family member drive you to your own car because it’s waiting patiently for you in your driveway.

You know who to expect

Have you ever ordered a ride share and spent more time finding the driver than actually in the car on your way home? With RedCap, your driver is going to be wearing – you guessed it – a RedCap. They’ll be waiting for you exactly where you tell them: by your car. All you need to do is hand them the keys and get in. They’ll get you safely home without any hassle.

Ready to try out your first RedCap yet? If there were ever a reason to go for a few spontaneous drinks, why not just to try it out? If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s going to be a nice surprise especially in South Florida where you need to drive to get anywhere. RedCap, it’s just a better option than ride shares.